Takes Two (2003)

Challenging. Scored for C flute doubling piccolo, harp, and chamber orchestra. The title of this concertino reflects a number of dualities in the work. It requires two instruments, flute and piccolo, to perform the solo part, and two parts to present the whole: the soloist and the orchestra. The flute and piccolo also perform briefly as a 2-instrument chamber ensemble. The basic melodic material, thoroughly introduced in the opening flute solo, obsesses with various combinations of major and minor thirds; the harmony does this as well, which leads naturally to the production of two essential harmonic flavors-- diatonic and chromatic. Expressively, there is somewhat of a contest between agitated and lyrical elements, with the lyrical side winning out in both movements. And, most importantly, the two movements each have a different “take” - very slow and very fast - on the same melodic and harmonic material. The flute/piccolo part is highly virtuosic and incorporates a wide variety of techniques and range of expression. There is a nice duo for harp and piccolo in its lower register. $60, including all parts, score, and recording of the premiere; order here (hard copy only).

I understand that it is very difficult to get a clear idea of a 22-minute work from these few excerpts. If this piques your interest enough to want to know more, contact me and I will provide you with a .pdf of the full score and recording of the premiere.

The composition and premiere of Takes Two was funded in part by a generous grant from the Metropolitan Arts Council, which receives funding from the City of Greenville and the South Carolina Arts Commission with support from the National Endowment for the Arts.